Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Where was I?

I really suck at this blog thing - which, I was completing expecting so suck at it and I wanted to prove to myself I didn't suck at it - but I'm not proving myself wrong so well. BUT - here are some updates:

#3 Listen to 10 classic albums all the way through

Done! This was one of the easiest and funnest tasks!  Thanks to Chris telling me about Grooveshark, I was able to listen to these albums while at work.  I will say that Miles Davis was such a snoozefest! And obviously, I love The Beatles, Elvis and Rolling Stones so those were fun to listen to.

#7 Find a personally inspirational quote and work it into a piece of art or home decor

This is a work in progress. My all time favorite quote is by Eleanor Roosevelt and it is "The Future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." So, finding the inspirational quote was the easy part - now, how to work that into a piece of art or home decor for someone that doesn't have a creative bone in her body? That's the tough part. BUT, my boss does needlepoint crafts - and after the wedding I told her I'd need a new hobby - so, I approached her to see if she thought a needlepoint newbie could do needle point letters and work it into a piece of art. We talked about it, she knows an artist that can create a needle point pattern and I think it's going to look a little like this:

Much less detail - because I'm a newbie, but that's pretty much the idea, a landscape background with flowers to symbolize flowers and clouds to symbolize dreams.  Now the question is, do I make it a pillow or a framed piece of art?

#69 Send 12 cards or letters for no reason at all. (3/12)

So, I mentioned the fact that I mailed a letter to my "Dawson"...I guess he shipped out to Afghanistan before the letter reached him - because it came back to me.  I know I should forward it to his Afghanistan address, but I'm sort of slacking on it - I don't know why....I really need to get it done.

However, I did mail out 2 just because letters today! Big M's aunt died a few weeks ago...at the wake, her brother (Big M's uncle) and sister-in-law (Big M's aunt by marriage) mentioned to him that they wanted a copy of the big group family shot taken at my wedding. So, I made a copy of those pictures, bought cute thinking of you cards and mailed them out today! I gave Uncle Russell some special treatment and framed his picture.  It really felt kind of good inside to send a little package to him, just because.

Since I was heading to the Post Office, I made sure I completed everything that needed to be completed to get my name changed on my passport. There are still a few things that have my maiden name on them....but, I changed my name with all of my banks, credit cards, social security office, RMV and now passport, so I think I can finally check #59 Change my name with several places I haven't changed with, off the list!

I have 14% of my list checked off - and I still have 885 days left!!! Woot!