Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bon Jovi - It's My Life

You asked, well, not really - Michelle tagged me in a post and it was asked, "What song defines your life?" It took me a while, but as I'm sitting here watching the AMAs watching Bon Jovi's performance, I realized, It's My Life, defines my life. I have always done things my way and lived my life the way I want to live it because it IS my life. Granted, I wish I didn't procrastinate on doing a lot of things in my life - but at least I can say I've always lived it the way I'VE wanted to. Even if I have regrets about things I've done, I did them because at one point I wanted to.

I've been tagged!

I was tagged!

I was tagged by Michelle with some "get to know you" questions. Here are my answers and I'll be tagging a few of my followers at the end of the post!

{1}: If you could be in any tv show when you were a kid what would it be?

Full House - I never missed an episode of this show growing up.  I wanted to be Stephanie, had the biggest crush on Uncle Jesse, wanted to get a piggy back ride from Uncle Joey, and go shopping with Aunt Becky.

{2}: What has been your favorite Christmas gift as a child?

My Sesame Street Telephone...I begged for that thing for MONTHS...I watched the home video from the year I received it - I tackled my sister when she tried to play with it.  It was pre-cell phones and cordless phones, so this isn't the exact phone, but it's the best I can do for a photo:

{3}: What actress would you want to play you if your life was a movie?

Katie Holmes a la Joey Potter or Danielle Fisher

{4}: What decade fad do you wish would come back?

Pogs. Hellz yes (ditto Michelle) or GigaPets

{5}:What song describes your life?

This one is going to take a while...I'll figure it out. Stay tuned....

{6}: What was your favorite subject in school?


{7}: If you could have a dream job for a day what would it be?


{8}: If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?

I'm going to steal my Gramps' answer for this one...A seagull, so I can eat, shit and squack all day.

Now to tag some of you! Feel free to answer these questions in your blog.

Amanda from An Exclamatory Life,
Amelia from Notes to Ellie, and
Rachael from Mille Motivi

BEFORE - Home Renovations

#74. Buy Our Home

Back story...ever since I was a little girl, I always asked my Gramps if I could "have his house, someday".  He'd laugh at me, pat me on the head and say "I don't know kid, it won't be up to me, you're going to have to talk to your dad about that one."

Obviously, as I grew up I learned that he meant "I'm not going to be around forever, neither will your grandmother.  So, everything we own will be turned over to your father and his siblings, if you want the house, you're going to have to work something out with them." So, I did.

Now, here I am, probably 20 years after the first time I asked Gramps if I could have his house...and it's mine. My husband and I passed papers with Big M and my aunt on September 29th. It's been the most amzingly, stressful and emotional thing I've ever had to do in my entire life. For real, I'd plan my wedding a million times over again if it meant I never had to go through the home buying process ever again.  WHICH, I never, ever intend to do anyway. This is MY house...and someday, I hope my kids or grandkids ask me if they have it and I can say "You're going to have to talk to your father about that one." hah

Anywhooo...let's see if I can explain some renovation plans without confusing everyone...

For starters, here is a picture of our kitchen:

Since this picture was taken, we've purchased and installed a new (double) oven...which is amazing, by the way.  The kitchen is the most updated room in the house (renovated about 23 years ago), therefore, it's going to be the last thing we renovate.

The house use to be a two family home, therefore, it is a decent size and one side of the house is a mirror image of the other side (ie, we have two bathrooms, right next to each other).  The main renovation we are doing is building a bathroom in our current laundry room and turning one of our bathrooms into closest space (3 closets, 1 for the washing machine and dryer, another to house dishes, etc, and a third for jackets) and the second bathroom and an additional side room will be eliminated and our dining room will be extended.

Laundry room (future bathroom)
Current bathroom #1 (future 3 closets - one door facing kitchen, 2 doors facing into renovated dining room)
Current Bathroom #2 (being eliminated - closet doors will be on right hand wall).
Dining room (door on right leads into a spare room door on left is a closet storing china, pans, etc)
Dining room (table set up for lia sophia event, haha)
Spare room off of the dining room (being eliminated for dining room extension)