Sunday, November 21, 2010

I've been tagged!

I was tagged!

I was tagged by Michelle with some "get to know you" questions. Here are my answers and I'll be tagging a few of my followers at the end of the post!

{1}: If you could be in any tv show when you were a kid what would it be?

Full House - I never missed an episode of this show growing up.  I wanted to be Stephanie, had the biggest crush on Uncle Jesse, wanted to get a piggy back ride from Uncle Joey, and go shopping with Aunt Becky.

{2}: What has been your favorite Christmas gift as a child?

My Sesame Street Telephone...I begged for that thing for MONTHS...I watched the home video from the year I received it - I tackled my sister when she tried to play with it.  It was pre-cell phones and cordless phones, so this isn't the exact phone, but it's the best I can do for a photo:

{3}: What actress would you want to play you if your life was a movie?

Katie Holmes a la Joey Potter or Danielle Fisher

{4}: What decade fad do you wish would come back?

Pogs. Hellz yes (ditto Michelle) or GigaPets

{5}:What song describes your life?

This one is going to take a while...I'll figure it out. Stay tuned....

{6}: What was your favorite subject in school?


{7}: If you could have a dream job for a day what would it be?


{8}: If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?

I'm going to steal my Gramps' answer for this one...A seagull, so I can eat, shit and squack all day.

Now to tag some of you! Feel free to answer these questions in your blog.

Amanda from An Exclamatory Life,
Amelia from Notes to Ellie, and
Rachael from Mille Motivi

1 comment:

  1. Nice answers but the pogs and gigapet make me feel like I'm old since I was already too old to get into those.
